Une intervention sur le serveur d’authentification est programmée jeudi 13 mars entre 11h30 et 13h.
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Résumés des exposésYandong Bai: Cycles in directed graphs and properly-colored cycles in edge-colored complete graphs Abstract: The existence of cycles with different constraints in directed graphs and edge-colored graphs have been extensively studied. In particular, Bermond and Thomassen conjectured in 1981 that every directed graph with minimum outdegree at least 2k-1 contains k vertex-disjoint cycles. I will report some progress on the above conjecture and on properly-colored cycles in edge-colored complete graphs.
Abstract: A path, cycle or closed trail in a 2-edge-coloured graph is alternating if it contains no pair of consecutive edges of the same colour. A 2-edge-coloured graph is supereulerian if it contains a spanning alternating closed trail. A 2-edge-coloured graph G is M-closed if the presence of two edges uv and uw of the same colour implies that there is an edge in G between v and w. It is a well-known fact, used already in 1989 by Häggkvist and Manoussakis, that there is a very close correspondence between alternating cycles and trails in 2-edge-coloured bipartite graphs and cycles and trails in directed bipartite graphs. In this talk I will recall this connection and show how to use this together with new ideas to characterize M-closed 2-edge-coloured graphs which have a spanning alternating closed trail.
François Pirot: A colouring problem in optical fiber networks Abstract: Many combinatorial optimisation problems arise from the use of fiber networks. Such a network can be modeled with a directed graph D, and is first decomposed into The wavelength assignment problem is equivalent to the colouring problem on an interference graph. Joint work with Hugo Boulier, David Coudert, and Frédéric Havet.
Zsolt Tuza: Hypercycle systems Abstract: There are several ways to define cycles in hypergraphs (set systems), as generalizations of cycles in graphs. We survey results and open problems on edge-disjoint decompositions of complete or nearly complete hypergraphs into cycles of given length.
The new results are joint work with Anita Keszler.
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